एजुटेक सीरिज : Chapter III : Part : 01 : Marks 01 : Development of language skills : Language learning is a skill, There are three phases of listening class

फोटो  : प्रतीकात्मक  ।

नीमकाथाना , 25 अप्रेल
रिपोर्ट  : एजुटेक टीम

पाठकों द्वारा की जा रही मांग पर हमने प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के ये अंक विशेष रूप से तैयार किया है। इसके लिए विभिन्न कोचिंग संस्थान, एजुकेशन यु ट्यूब चेनल और शिक्षकगण आगे आये है । अभी हम सोमवार , बुधवार और शुक्रवार ही को ये अंक ला रहे है ।

हमारा आपसे भी एक अनुरोध है इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें ताकि इस अंक का अधिक विद्यार्थी लाभ प्राप्त कर सके । आपके लिए हमारी टीम इसे तैयार करने के लिए दिन - रात मेहनत करती है ताकि आपको बेहतर सामग्री मिल सके । यहाँ पर प्रतिदिन न्यूज़ अपडेट होती है ।

     अध्याय -03, भाग - 01 :  , अंक -01
                  विषय : English

       Development of language skills

Development of language skills

Language learning is a skill . Language can be learnt by an individual not simply by knowing about the language; but by experience it. Language are generally the end assessed in terms of four skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing.

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Listening: When people are learning something new, they first listen to it as they speak.
Speaking: After all, they also try to replicate what they hear.
Reading: Then, the language being spoken is read by seeing it in print form.
Writing: Finally, we rewrite or engrave these symbols on paper.

These language skills are further classified into two parts -

Receptive and Productive Skills — Star Rising

Speaking and writing are productive skills because while using these skills a learner is not only active but also produces sound in speaking and symbols in writing.

On the contrary, listening and reading are respective skills because here a learner is generally passive and receives information.

Listening and speaking skills demand the exercise of auditory and speech organs. Therefore we call these skill aural-oral skills. On the other hand, reading and writing skill involve the visual and the psycho motor organs. Thus, theyare called graphic motor skills.

All language learners must develop their skill in each of these areas and language class should incorporate activities related to all the skills.

Developing the skill of listening :-

Listening, language learning का पहला चरण होता है चाहे वह mother tongue हो या कोई additional language. Listening में spoken language का Sense बनाना शामिल होता है ।

1.The teacher instruction and question, 2.Class lectures, 3. School में announcement , 4. radio and TV news 5. Airport and railway station पर announcement, 6.दुसरो से convention और 7. English में और English के बारे में pre- recorded classets या CD's.

The teacher has to plan activity, which will help to understand how much students register and how they react to them in the different phases of the listening process. There are three phases of listening class .

Stages of a Listening Lesson - ppt video online download

1. Pre listening phase:- This phase develop interest and increases motivation among students. This is a very short phase and helps the learner to understand the context and what he has to listen for . Sometimes the students may be asked to predict about what they will hear for the propose of the task.

2. While listing phase :- in this phase, students should know what they must do when they are listening: feeling gapes sporting particular facts, answer question etc.  This phase involves either intensive listening or intensive listening. The learner should be encouraged to gather as much information as they can from the passage while listening. This phase must be graded casually carefully by the teacher.

3.Post listening phase:- This phase takes plsce after the learners have completed their listening activity. In this phase the answers of the task are discussed.  Here, the teacher can ingrate it with others skills reading, writing and speaking. Furtherr more listening skills are classified according to situations . They are-

Non - inductive listening : When students can only listen to the speaker then it is known as non inductive listening.

Interactive listening :- This included face to face conversation telephonic calls or classroom listening. In such situation learner can ask for classification repetition or slower speech.

अगला अंक बुधवार को । अपनी राय व्हाट्स ऐप्प 9358147558 पर दे सकते है । 

सोर्स :  डिजिटल लायब्रेरी
लेखिक : किशोर एस लोचिब
योग्यता : एमए , बीएड, UGC नेट 

खबरों के लिए सिर्फ हिंदुस्तान डिजिटल न्यूज़, व्हाट्स ऐप्प No. 9358147558



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