एजुटेक सीरिज : अध्याय -03, भाग - 02 : अंक -02 : The direct method, It was a reaction against G.T method, It is based on educational psychological principles.

फोटो  : प्रतीकात्मक  ।

जयपुर , 02 मई
रिपोर्ट  : एजुटेक टीम

पाठकों द्वारा की जा रही मांग पर हमने प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के ये अंक विशेष रूप से तैयार किया है। इसके लिए विभिन्न कोचिंग संस्थान, एजुकेशन यु ट्यूब चेनल और शिक्षकगण आगे आये है । अभी हम सोमवार , बुधवार और शुक्रवार ही को ये अंक ला रहे है ।

हमारा आपसे भी एक अनुरोध है इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें ताकि इस अंक का अधिक विद्यार्थी लाभ प्राप्त कर सके । आपके लिए हमारी टीम इसे तैयार करने के लिए दिन - रात मेहनत करती है ताकि आपको बेहतर सामग्री मिल सके । यहाँ पर प्रतिदिन न्यूज़ अपडेट होती है ।

     अध्याय -03, भाग - 02 :  अंक -02
                 विषय : English
       Teaching method

1.The Grammar Translation Method = G.T Method:-
It is also known as Classical Method. It is one of the oldest method of teaching a foreign language. The prime supporters of G.T Method are John Seiden, Karl Plotz and John Medingar.


Unit of Teaching is word.
Word to word translation is done.
Excessive use of mother - tongue.
Little Active use of the target language.
More emphasis on reading and writing.
Grammar is taught deductively.
Text book occupies an imporatant role.
Rules of grammar are momorized.
Separate books on grammar.


Develops accuracy in writing.
Develops art of translation.
Very useful in developing skill of reading and comprehension
Requires minimum teaching aids.
Saves time and energy of teachers.

Disadvantages :-

Promotes no communication ability.
Total neglect of spoken language.
Too much emphasis on grammar rules.
Totally against the pedagogical use of language teaching.
Teacher dominating monotonous process.

The direct method :-

It was a reaction against G.T method . This method was advocated by Michaell Wast . It organeated in France probabliy in 1901. The direct method of teaching a foreign language is also known as Natural Method, Mother's method, Oral method etc.


Sentence is the unit of teaching.
Emphasis on oral work.
Creating direct bond between word and ideas with.  Use of mother tongue is restricted.
Grammar is taught in indeductively.


this is a natural method of teaching because English is in the same way as the mother tongue is taught.

It is based on educational psychological principles.


An incomplete method because it gives more emphasis on listening and speaking.

It is an expensive method.

Some questions in previous exam in RPSC

(i) In that grammar translation method:-

1). Handwriting receive the major focus.

2). Speaking and listening receive the major focus.

3). Speaking receives the major focus.

4). Listening receive the major focus

(ii) In the grammar translation method grammar

1). Is taught detectively.

2). Is taught indeductively.

3). Is taught both deductively and indeductively.

4). Is taught neither indeductively nor deductively.

Next poins on Friday ;-

अगला अंक बुधवार को । अपनी राय व्हाट्स ऐप्प 9358147558 पर दे सकते है । 

सोर्स :  डिजिटल लायब्रेरी
लेखिक : किशोर एस लोचिब
योग्यता : एमए , बीएड, UGC नेट 

खबरों के लिए सिर्फ हिंदुस्तान डिजिटल न्यूज़, व्हाट्स ऐप्प No. 9358147558


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